Glossary and Useful Links for Support on Genetic Testing

Making decisions and being faced with conversations about genetic testing can be difficult. There is a lot of information available which can feel overwhelming, especially when you may not be familiar with some of the language. Use the glossary list below to get to know some of these words and help you start to break down some of the information available. 

Glossary of terms:

  • APC gene – a gene that stops cells from growing too fast. When this gene is changed or mutated it can increase the risk of bowel or stomach cancer
  • BRCA genes – genes that work to protect against cancer by correcting any damage that occurs in a cell. When these genes are changed or mutated it can increase the risk of breast, ovarian, prostate or pancreatic cancer
  • Cancer – a disease that occurs when a gene becomes changed or mutated, causing cells in your body to grow and divide uncontrollably
  • Cell – the building blocks of the body that contain your genetic information
  • DNA – the genetic information inside a cell
  • Gene – a small section of DNA that carries information, telling the cell how to behave and function
  • Genetics – the study of genes
  • Genetic Counsellor – someone who specialises in genetics and inherited diseases
  • Genetic testing – a way of looking for changes or mutations in genes that are linked to certain diseases such as cancer
  • Inherited mutation – a mutation or change that has been passed down to you from your mother or father
  • Mutation – when a gene is changed or altered meaning it no longer carries the correct information 

There are also plenty of websites which offer support through genetic testing, for you and your family and friends. Here are some that you may find useful:

Online support sites:

Macmillan Cancer Support 
Cancer Research 
Cancer Research – healthy living tips
NHS - genetic testing
Teenage Cancer Trust 
If you have any questions, speak to your GP or Genetic Counsellor who will be able to give you more guidance.